Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Indian Institution of Management Ahmehdabad(IIMA)

About the Institution:
Indian Institution of Management Ahmehdabad(IIMA) is the one of the best business school in India. It has placed its rank in the top business schools among the world. So it has improved its rank and name in just four decades. Generally colleges campus and location really good, having nice atmosphere to do the course. The placement activities of this colleges is really excellent because we all know that only highly knowledged person get seat in this college.

Last two weeks back CAT results has been announced. So many students will eargerly waiting that where there will get seat. Since this college is top college among the business schools in India Students with high score can get seat in this college.
This time the results have gone down. So this time there will tough comepetetion among the students in couselling time for choose the course and colleges.

Ranking of this College:
IIMA tops in Indian B-school rankings and continues winning more recognition and accolades as a Global B-School.

IIMA builds on over forty years of leadership in management education. Having consistently remained the premier business school in India, IIMA has also grown to be one of the leaders of applied management education and development in Asia, and one of the finest institutions for management education in the world.

The Economist survey of global B-Schools 2004, ranked IIMA as the highest ranked school in Asia.

While the Economist Intelligence Unit's 2007 ranking of full-time MBA programmes lists IIMA’s ability to open new career opportunities 2nd from among the world’s best full time MBA programmes. Ahead of Stanford Graduate School of Business, Tuck school of Business, IESE Business School, Instituto de Empresa, etc.

 Selection Process:
The MBA level Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP) - the oldest and most prestigious academic offering of IIMA is one of the toughest programmes in the world to get into.
One out of every 680 candidates 1 got a seat in the 2008-10 PGP batch.
This compares very favorably, in terms of the ratio of seats available, even with the world’s best business schools [see table below]

World rankingSchoolPlaceNo of applications/ places
2Stanford Graduate School of BusinessUSA13/1
3IESE Business School - University of NavarraEurope7/1
4Dartmouth College--Tuck School of BusinessUSA9/1
5IMD - International Institute for Management DevelopmentEurope5/1
6California at Berkeley, University of--Haas School of BusinessUSA11/1
7Cambridge, University of - Judge Business SchoolEurope5/1
8New York University - Leonard N Stern School of BusinessUSA5/1
9IE Business SchoolEurope5/1
10Henley Management CollegeEurope2/1
12Michigan, University of - Stephen M Ross School of BusinessUSA6/1

The world ranking is as per Economist Intelligence Unit’s latest (2007) ranking of full-time MBA programmes.
Source: Which MBA
The entry to the PGPX programme [One Year Post Graduate Programme for Executives] is also very competitive and compares favorably with the very best of the International Business Schools in the world.

For example, the average GMAT score [a standard measure of comparability across programmes adopted globally] of PGPX participants in 2008 is above 730 whereas the average GMAT scores of the top business schools in the world is below 730 levels (see table below).
Average GMAT Scores*
Business School Average Score
1Kellogg (Northwestern)700
2Chicago GSB687
3Harvard Business School705
4Stanford GSB732
5Wharton (Pennsylvania)703
6Sloan (MIT)707
7Columbia Business School711
8Michigan Business School681
9Fuqua (Duke)701
10Tuck (Dartmouth)695
11Johnson (Cornell)673
12Darden (Virginia)683
13UC Berkeley703
14Yale School of Management698
15Stern (New York)700
16Anderson (UCLA)700
17Marshall (South California)684
19Carnegie Mellon672
21Texas at Austin678
23Michigan State639
29Notre Dame668

Indians resident outside India, and foreign nationals, fall under the "Overseas Candidates" category. To qualify as an Indian resident abroad, a candidate should be an Indian who expects to live, work or study outside India for at least 12 months continuously as of December 15, 2010. Overseas candidates who expect to be resident in India during the period July 1, 2010 to December 15, 2010, will, however, have to take the Institute's Common Admission Test (CAT). The second stage of the admission process, i.e. personal interviews, will be held in India. Candidates called for this stage will have to make their own travel arrangements and produce evidence of having qualified for the "Overseas Candidates" category.
The Post-Graduate Programme in Management (PGP) is the oldest, and most prestigious, of the Institute's teaching programmes. Ranked the best in the country, and among the best in the Asia-Pacific region, the PGP emphasizes innovative problem solving, shared perspectives, applied management philosophy, and stimulating group work. The PGP aims at creating capable professional managers by continually exposing them to unstructured real-life problems and challenges facing businesses in a variety of environments. The PGP develops in its students strong problem-solving skills and a robust strategic outlook. It also exposes them to a variety or analytical tools, business philosophies, and management situations, thus enabling them to develop global perspectives on the economic, technological, cultural, and political aspects of business. The IIMA's PGP extends over two academic years, and the diploma awarded is equivalent to the Master of Business Administration degree.
Each academic year begins in June/July and ends in March/April, and has six slots. The summer vacation at the end of the first academic year is utilized to provide an organizational orientation to students. Placement activities start towards the end of the second academic year.
The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Differently Abled (DA) category, this is relaxed to 45%), of any of the Universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University under section 3 of UGC Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India. The Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent qualification obtained by the candidate must entail a minimum of three years of education after completing higher secondary schooling (10+2) or equivalent. The percentage obtained by the candidate in the bachelor’s degree would be based on the practice followed by the university/institution from where the candidate has obtained the degree. In case of the candidates being awarded grades/CGPA instead of marks, the equivalence would be based on the equivalence certified by the university/institution from where they have obtained bachelor’s degree. In case the university/ institution does not have any scheme for converting CGPA into equivalent marks, the equivalence would be established by IIMA by dividing obtained CGPA with the maximum possible CGPA and multiplying the result with 100.
Candidates appearing for the final year bachelor’s degree / equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirement and are awaiting results can also apply. Such candidates must produce a certificate from the Principal/Head of the Department/Registrar/Director of the university/ institution certifying that the candidate is currently in the final year / is awaiting final results and has obtained at least 50% marks or equivalent (45% in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/DA category) based on latest available grades/marks. Such candidates, if selected, will be allowed to join the programme provisionally only if they submit a certificate latest by June 30, 2011 from the Principal/Registrar of their college/institute (issued on or before June 30, 2011) stating that they have completed all the requirements (the results may, however, be awaited) for obtaining the bachelor’s degree/ equivalent qualification on the date of issue of the certificate. Their admission will be confirmed only when the candidate submits the mark sheet and a certificate of having passed the bachelor’s degree / equivalent qualification referred to in the certificate issued by the Principal/Registrar with at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/DA category). The deadline for submission of the mark sheet and the certificate is December 31, 2011. Non-fulfillment of this condition will automatically result in the cancellation of the provisional admission. IIMA would not allow any candidate to join their programme in case the candidate is unable to complete all the requirements for a bachelor degree on or before June 30, 2011. The IIMA would also not offer admission to any candidate after June 30, 2011.
The first year's curriculum is compulsory and covers the basic functional areas of accounting and finance, behavioural science, communication, economics, information technology, marketing, personnel management and industrial relations, operations management, and quantitative methods. At the end of the first year, a student works in an organisation on a summer assignment lasting eight to ten weeks.
The second year courses provide the students with an opportunity to pursue studies in areas of special interest to them. Therefore, all the second year courses are electives. This approach helps students develop an integrated approach to solving management problems.
The selection of candidates for admission to the 2011-13 batch of the PGP at IIM Ahmedabad is a two-step process.
In the first step, candidates are short-listed for personal interviews from among candidates who have a valid CAT/GMAT score2 who have applied for the programme and who satisfy the eligibility criteria for the programme. A non-overseas candidate who applies with a CAT score is required to perform well in all three sections in CAT to be considered for short-listing. An overseas category candidate who applies with a GMAT score instead of a CAT score should have scored at least 45 in the quantitative and verbal sections and should have a total scaled score of at least 700.  

A candidate's prior academic record is also used in the short-listing process. The exact criteria used to short-list candidates for personal interviews will be disclosed on the CAT website at www.catiim.in and the IIM Ahmedabad website at www.iimahd.ernet.in along with the list of short-listed candidates on January 22, 2011.
In the second step, after the completion of personal interviews of all candidates short-listed in the first step, candidates for admission to the 2011-13 batch of the PGP at IIM Ahmedabad are selected from among the candidates who have attended the personal interviews. In preparing this list, apart from performance in personal interviews, inputs such as the CAT/GMAT score2, academic background and achievements, extra-curricular activities, and post-degree work experience are taken into consideration.
The following information is about the admission process followed by IIMA for its PGP subsequent to CAT. It is therefore, important for the candidates to read them carefully.
  1. Performance in CAT is an important input in the admission process and is the primary basis for short-listing candidates for the second round of admission process, which comprises personal interviews. Candidates should note that it is important to perform well relative to other candidates in each section of the test as the scores in each section and the overall score are used to short-list the candidates for the second round. These scores may also be used for final ranking as well. In addition to the performance in CAT, IIMA may use academic performance, relevant work experience and other similar inputs for ranking and short-listing candidates for personal interviews.
  2. Please note that IIMA short-lists candidates for Personal Interviews (PI) independent of other IIMs. Hence it is possible to observe variations in the lists of candidates short-listed by different IIMs.
  3. Details of candidates short-listed will be made available on CAT website (www.catiim.in) on January 22, 2011. Short-listed candidates would also be sent letters by IIMA.
  4. After the PI round, admission offers are made by IIMA to successful candidates. The ranking and final selection is based on a diverse set of attributes and may include performance in CAT, performance in PI, academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular achievements, work experience etc.
  5. Disclosure of information about the admission process is driven by concerns which at times conflict with each other. The IIMA would like the admission process to be transparent. At the same time, IIMA would wish to protect the privacy of individual candidates and confidentiality of the process to prevent abuse. Based on these considerations, the performance of an individual is not made available to any other person. Similarly, the performance of candidates in PI including assessment of attributes mentioned under paragraph 4 above is not disclosed to anyone to prevent exercise of undue pressure on the panelists participating in the admission/selection process. IIMA exercises its own discretion in disclosing weights assigned to diverse sets of attributes mentioned under paragraph 4 above. To ensure that the perceived lack of transparency does not in any way affect the candidates negatively, adequate care is taken in formation of panel, development of objective criteria for assessment, random allocation of candidates to a panel and other such measures.
  6. Candidates, who appeared in PI will be able to view whether they have been offered admission by IIMA during second week of April 2011 by visiting the IIMA website. Admission offer letter would be sent to all successful candidates. Candidates, who are offered admission, need to confirm their acceptance by completing all the required formalities by first week of May 2011. Some candidates may also be placed on the waiting list initially during second week of April 2011. Offers to candidates on the waiting list would depend upon the number of successful candidates accepting the offer made by IIMA.
In the event of specific guidelines being issued by Government of India, IIMA reserves the right to, depending on the nature of the guidelines, continue with its personal interviews as stated above OR use an alternative selection procedure which may include calling for additional information from short-listed candidates, a supplementary test or any other suitable process/mechanism. Care will be taken to ensure that candidates are not put to undue inconvenience.

Currently the annual fee for Overseas Candidates is US$ 18,000. The fee includes tuition, course material, and board and lodging. All students are required to have a personal computer and a printer. The Institute can also arrange for buying these locally. The annual fee does not cover personal expenses such as travel, clothes, stationery, and laundry.
Fellow Programme in Management
Post-Graduate Programme in Management
st Graduate Programme in Agribusiness Management
One Year Post-Graduate Programme in Management for Executives
Post Graduate Programme in Public Management and Policy


Information Technology Infrastructure

A state-of-the-art network with almost 1600 nodes connects every corner of the Institute. Every student and faculty member has a networked personal computer at his or her disposal. High-speed servers running on a variety of platforms to suit all kinds of requirements support the entire network. The Institute’s network is linked to the Internet via a dedicated leased line enabling round the clock Internet connectivity on the campus. Every classroom has a computer connected to this network that allows faculty to retrieve relevant information from their desktop or the central database. This connectivity helps both the students and the faculty considerably in their research and projects. The campus is also WiFi enabled.


There are six classrooms and five seminar rooms in the teaching wing. This is in addition to the seminar and conference rooms in the faculty wings. To facilitate case discussions, each classroom is an amphitheater. There are sixty-five revolving seats, with each seat having the nametag of the student. All classrooms have network connectivity to facilitate presentations. The new campus will add 5 more classrooms, 12 seminar rooms and an auditorium. 


The Vikram Sarabhai Library is an invaluable resource for students, researchers and faculties of business and management. The library has over the years built a robust collection of over 1,71,046 books, 42,004 bound volumes, 527 current subscription to journals and news papers, 2191 working papers, and many other resources like thesis (260), student's project reports (1709), CDs (1755) and videos (128).
The library, spread over 20,120 sq. ft., also provides access to the best of business and management related digital resources through its subscription to various databases consisting of scholarly and industry relevant content. The library has set up 3i (Information Infrastructure for Institution) network to provide business, industry, environment, agricultural and economic information to the users.


As an alumni pointed out, ‘the dorm is like the Gaulish village in Astreix books which opens with a free for all but always ends with merrymaking. You always came back to the dorm where a part of you belonged and a part of which belonged to you’. There are 25 student dormitories with a total capacity to hold about 740 occupants. Apart from the dormitories there are separate housing facilities available for married candidates. The dorms have ten single rooms on each floor arranged around a stairway and a tearoom.

List of recruiters  
Accenture Consulting
Aditya Vikram Birla Group
Hazira LNG
Arcelor Mittal
Opera Solutions
Arthur D Little Inc
Hewitt Associates
Photon Infotech
Bharti Group
Honeywell Intl
Booz Allen Hamilton Inc
Cairn India
PRTM Management Consultants
Ceat Tyres
Reliance Capital
Citigroup Inc.
ICRA Limited
Reliance Communication
Reliance Energy
Computer Associates
Infosys Technologies
Reliance Industries
Infotech Limited
RPG Group
Cypress Semiconductors
ITC Group
ITC Infotech
Spencer Retail
Suzlon Infrastructure
Dr. Reddy’s Labs
Edelweiss Capital
KPIT Cummins
TATA Group
Larsen & Toubro
Tech Mahindra
Mahindra & Mahindra
Vardhman Textiles
Essar Group
Mckinsey & Company
Feedback Ventures
Mindtree Consulting
Genpact International LLC
Mustafa Sultan
YES Bank

Key Facts
PGPX 2008-09
PGPX 2009-10
Average Domestic Salary
INR 2,016,000
INR 2,610,000
Average International Salary
USD 122,000
Number of Domestic Placements
Number of International Placements
Did not seek placements
In Entrepreneurial ventures
In process (as on 30th Jun)

Industry Breakup
PGPX 2008-09
PGPX 2009-10
Financial Services
Management Consulting
Telecom / Hi Tech


Even though there are many best colleges for business management, we would suggest students chose this college because as earlier i said this college has its own name among the top B schools around the world. Moreover the college has an excellent infrastructure with all the facilities for your latest trends. The placement activities of this colleges really good. I am damn sure that Students entering this colleges will be surely placed. Moreover the companies cominng for recruiting students are most top companies which pay them huge about 5 lakh per month. So please students dont miss this college for your future carrier. 


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