Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Sri Satya Sai Institute of Science and Technology, Sehore is an entity of Ayushmati Education and Social Society, Bhopal.
 This society, runs multiple education institutes in the field of Engineering,Pharmacy, Management,Computer Application,Hotel Management and Education.
Careers in engineering,business administration,pharmacy,computer application are the backbone of industries in this modern Era.
Our society understands the need of our country and has introduced many innovative ways to improve the quality of professionals passing from institutes.
Sri Satya Sai Institute has been set up with the aim of achieving highest standards in engineering and related fields.
The institution has created targets for itself which would provide the way to achieve the desired objective.
 The first and foremost goal is to mould the students in such a way that they become the obvious choice for the corporate sector and multinationals.
 We are putting all our energy to create a model in which selection of the students in campus interviews becomes a tradition.
Education being a dynamic entity,It recognizes the changes in environment responds to the new demands  and  keeps growing with the society to which it belongs. The objectives of our institution are
To develop appropriate technology and concept based on application of basic and engineering sciences.
To meet the growing demand from industry and commerce, Research & development, Establishments,Educational institutions etc. For technocrats with required professional knowledge, training and skills.
To meet the needs of industry & commerce by providing human resources with the required knowledge and skills and also promoting, disseminating, developing and transferring technology.
To develop as a model technical institution
To support the development of country & the promotion of National Integration.
To create an educational environment in which students are prepared to meet the challenges of a modern industrial society by equipping them with.
Updating technical knowledge.
Analytical and practical skills.
Management competence.
A creative and innovative approach to work, to strengthen links with industry and commerce through lasting partnership, to provide within the Institute an environment where staff are encouraged to maintain their intellectual curiosity and improve their technical expertise through a continuous staff development program.
To create conditions in which the Institute can march towards achieving academic autonomy.
To encourage the intellectual, physical, aesthetic and ethical development of students through the provision of appropriate resources.
Sri Satya Sai Institute of Science and Technology provides techanical education with a view to produce quality engineers & scientists.
The curriculum provides broad based knowledge and simultaneously builds up a tempo for the life long process of learning and exploring.
 The students undergo compulsory foundation courses in the areas of engineering ,basic sciences and humanities, apart from departmental requirements..
Medium of Instructions at the Institute is English.
1.     B.E , Program
          Bachelor of Engeenering: (B.E.) - Four Years Program
          Civil Engineering
          Computer Science and Engineering
          Electronics and Communication Engineering
          Electrical and Electronics Engineering
          Electrical Engineering
          Electronics and Instrumentation
          Information Technology
          Mechanical Engineering
2.   Pharmacy Program
          Bachelor of Pharmacy :(B.pharma )- Four Years program
          Diploma In  Pharmacy :(D.pharma )- Two Years Program
3.   B.HMCT Program
          Bachelor of Hotel Management (B.HMCT)- Four Years Program
4.   B.Ed. Program
          Bachelor of Education ((B.Ed.)- One Year Program
5.   B.P.Ed. Program
          Bachelor of PhysicalEducation ((B.P.Ed.)- One Year Program
  1.Master of Technology(M.Tech)-2 Years
        Computer Science and Engineering
        Software Engineering
        Information Technology
        Thermal Engineering
        Digital Comunication
   2.Master of Business Administration(M.B.A)-2 Years
  Full-time program-Two Years
         Part-time program-Three Years
   3.Master of Computer Application(M.C.A)-3 Years
           Three year program
   4.Master of Pharmacy(M.Pharma)-2 Years
   Two Years Full-time program
The performance of a student will be evaluated in terms of  Semester/Yearly based Examinations  and Viva-Voce.
Sri Satya Sai college of MCA is part of the huge Satya Sai campus at sehore.
College of MCA is recognized by AICTE, New Delhi, and Department of Technical Education, (Govt.of M.P.)
The college is affiliated to RGPV. The college offers postgraduate degree, Master of computer Applications.
The college has highly experienced faculty which is quiet profesional in its approach .
The college is operational since 2003.
MCA Lab – 1
Dedicated server      - PIV Terminal                  - 60 nos. P-IV
MCA Lab – 2
Dedicated server     - PIV
Terminal                 - 60 nos. P-IV
The Central Workshop consists of 06 Training Shops viz., Machine Shop, Foundry Shop, Blacksmith Shop, Carpentry Shop, Fitting Shop , Welding Shop .
 These Shops are well equipped for Centralized Training of Undergraduate and Postgraduate students at different levels and for consultancy to the Industries.
The Machine Shop has the  facility apart from the conventional machine tools.
The foundry has good facilities for casting and sand testing.
 The Welding Shop has been provided with arc welding, gas welding .
Carpentry Shop provides the facilities for pattern making and general training in wood working.
Blacksmith has the conventional facilities including power hammer and drop hammer.
 Fitting Shop has the facilities for training the students. in conventional fitting and assembling of components besides pipe fitting.
The Central workshop is a central facility for all the students and scholars entering the Institute and so it caters for not only providing basic training but also for production of components for research projects.
It also affords the required facilities for training the Engineering and Technicians from other organizations and industries.
The campus of the Institute extends to an area of 25 acres.
With many topographical features, imaginatively laid out with picturesque landscape, numerous buildings of various nature and stature, and clean and wide roads, the campus presents a spectacle of harmony in architecture and natural beauty.
The campus area has been divided into three functional zones : (i) Residential zone for students; (ii) Residential zone for the faculty and other supporting staff; (iii) Academic zone for academic buildings and workshops.
The main academic building accommodates various teaching and research activities.
Though each department/centre is a separate entity, they constitute an integrated complex.
Heavy engineering laboratories are placed on the ground floor, light laboratories on the first floor while the tutorial rooms, classrooms and project rooms are located on the second floor.
Large lecture theatres with modern amenities and equipment for sound and projection are located in the courtyards between departments for common use.
The Students Activities Centre provides all facilities for students’ extra-curricular and physical development.
S.S.S.I.S.T is an autonomous statutory organization.
Each Institute of Technology has a Board of Governors responsible for its overall administration and control.
Shri Sidharth Kapoor is the Chairman of the Board of Governors of this Institute.
Financial advice to the Institute is rendered by the Finance Committee.
Similarly, there is a Buildings & Works Committee to advise on matters relating to buildings and works activity. These committees are appointed by the Board of Governors.
In addition, there are a number of other committees like the Board of Undergraduate Studies, Board of Postgraduate Studies, Board of Educational Research and Planning etc. appointed by the Senate to help the administration in the efficient running of the Institute.
Sri Satya Sai Institute of Science & Technology
Opp.Oilfed Plant, Indore-Bhopal Road,
Dist-Sehore (M.P.),Pin- 466002
Tel: +91-7562-222482/223647/223646
Fax: +91-7562-222482
Visit us at:-
Training and Placement Office actively interacts with industrial, technical, management and research organizations in the country with the dual aim of ensuring that students are given adequate technical exposure/industrial training during their pre-final year and subsequently get employment in organizations whose functional requirements of high caliber engineers and scientists are best met by graduates and post-graduates of the Institute.

Pre-final year undergraduates, are required to undergo 15 working days’ practical training during summer vacations following the 6th semester in partial fulfillment of their degree requirements.
 Industries which have been giving employment to the students in the past are encouraged to organize vacation training as well. They are also encouraged to give minor projects to the students to make practical training more meaningful.
 Besides, efforts are made to obtain maximum possible number of stipends during training by personal dialogue with the executives of various industries.
Ground Rules for practical training are promulgated in August/September every year.
Requests from students desirous of under-going practical training through private arrangements are entertained by the third week of March in the prescribed format with the recommendation of the concerned Head of the Department.
Confirmatory letters of private arrangements from organizations are accepted by the third week of March.
Students who do not submit confirmatory letters for private training by due dates are given a billet from the general pool after seats have been allocated to all other students.
Selected industries giving excellent training and stipends are also invited to interview students prior to their selection for training keeping in view their ultimate placement with them at the opportune time.
For the rest of students, seats are arranged by the Training and Placement Office and allotments made by respective Departments on the basis of merit-cum-choice.
Any training under-gone by students violating the Ground Rules is not recognized.
Students are expected to participate in colloquium on completion of their training and numbers  are awarded by departments for this practical training.
 The students are required to maintain training diaries which are scrutinized by the Training Coordinator (a faculty member of the Institute) and Training Officer/In charge of the company.
An active and dynamic programme of securing jobs for students graduating from the Institute is initiated by inviting industries of repute and other organizations to conduct interviews.
Wide publicity of the activities of the Institute both from academic and extra-curricular point of view is given to organizations who have hitherto neither trained nor placed our students.
Literature of companies such as annual reports, technical brochures, publicity material and functional requirements of young engineers is available in their respective folios in the Reference Library being maintained in the office of the Head, Training and Placement, to enable students appreciate the scope and working of various industries which will ultimately be visiting the campus for placement purposes.
Lectures are also given to students to supplement the above information and special talks are organized on subjects such as “Career Counseling”, interview techniques and modes of communication.
Besides, relevant data on various industrial and technical organizations are collected, sifted and compiled and an analysis of past training and placement activities presented to the students to help them decide their future course of action.
Ground Rules on placement activities are formulated to ensure that adequate justice is done to all the students depending on their merit and aptitude.
In the process of organization of industrial training and placement of students, Training and Placement Office serves as an effective link between the Institute and the industry and helps create and develop valuable interaction and feedback to their mutual advantage.
This institute produce competent technical professionals having human values, commensurate with the requirements of national economy.
They have synergic Interaction between institute and industries specially getting projects on Live Problems of Industries.
It encourages innovativeness, creativity and excellence among students and faculty in an environment infused with team spirit, integrity and mutual trust. Imbibing Entrepreneurial skills in students.
They inculcate sincerity, and dedication amongst students and the faculty.
The teaching method adopted for the programme are such as to promote multidisciplinary inquiry and practical applications of problems.
A high degree of interaction between the students and the faculty is facilitated by project assignment and periodic evaluations .
It develops young technologies on year-to-year basis to contribute to the industries through improved academic performance.
It prepares the students with power of knowledge to attain prosperity through improved placement prospectus.


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