Kumaraguru College of Technology (KCT), Coimbatore is a private Engineering College started in 1984 under the auspices of Ramanandha Adigalar Foundation, a charitable educational trust of Sakthi Group. Located at 2 Kms off the Coimbatore-Mysore national highway (NH-209), the congenial and well-developed college campus spreads over a sprawling 150 acres of land.
KCT takes pride in equipping students with leadership and interpersonal skills thus shaping them as strategic scholars with competitive spirit who can provide in – depth performance in the world after becoming full-fleged engineers.
Under the able guidance and patronage of Arutselvar Dr. N. Mahalingam, Chairman, Sakthi Group, the college has developed excellent facilities and resources such as spacious classrooms, seminar halls, well-equipped laboratories, workshops, well-stocked libraries, dedicated highspeed broadband Internet connectivity and well-qualified faculty.
Currently the college offers 12 under-graduate (B.E., B.Tech.), 13 post-graduate (M.E., M.Tech., MCA, MBA) as an Autonomous institution affiliated to the Anna University, Coimbatore.
The college has 15 academic departments and 4 research centres each headed by a competent and experienced professor. Altogether the college has over 225 well-qualified teaching staff and about 200 supporting technical staff. The combined student intake during current year is 1059 and the total number of students on roll is 3144.
The value of the education and training imparted by the college is highlighted by interest shown by leading companies for on-campus recruitment. In the current academic year (2009-2010) more than 460 students have been placed in through our Placement centre. Our alumni have done us proud by proving their worth wherever they have happened to be.
v To build a strong centre of exellence in Engineering & Technology targeting global standards.
To provide a value added technical education with a flair of professional exellence and ethical values.
v To provide good environment for individuals to transform into technologically superior,socially commited,spiritually elevated & nationally responsible citizens.
The institution is governed by a 17 member Governing Council with Arutselvar Dr. N. Mahalingam as its Chairman, Dr. BK. Krishnaraj Vanavarayar, as its Co-Chairman, Mr. M. Manickam and Prof. K. Arumugam as its Vice-chairmen, Mr. M. Balasubramaniam, as its Corrspondent, and Dr. J. Shanmugam, as Director and Dr. S. Ramachandran, as Principal. The Governing Council includes eminent educationists, industrialists as well as University, AICTE and Government representatives.
KCT Central Library has been recently moved to a sprawling 17,000 sq.ft (1575 sq. m.) space with all the modern facilities such as state of the art Library Security Systems, CCTV systems and Fire/Smoke sensor systems.
Current Holdings: | Volumes | 52,519 |
Titles | 28,681 | |
International Journals | 96 | |
National Journals | 264 | |
Online Journals | 638 | |
CDs | 1423 | |
Working Days | 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM | ||
Sunday | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM | ||
Holidays | 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
v A modern digital library network with high speed internet access is also housed in the premises.
v Reprographic facilities with photocopier, Document Scanner, Printer & CD writer are provided for.
v Seperate sections for Reference Material, Book Bank, Periodicals, Project Reports are provided for easy access.
v UDC coding, Bar coding, Magnetic sensors and an integrated library management software facilitate faster processing.
v Inter Library Loan facility is arranged through DELNET, IIT - Chennai Central Library, British Council Library - Chennai, SITRA Library � Coimbatore, SIMA Library � Coimbatore, PSG CT � Coimbatore, CPC, CODISSIA, TNAU, Bharathiyar University, Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Avinashilingam University, TAI, etc for acquiring urgently required references.
The college has 15 academic departments and 4 research centres. Each is headed by a competent and experienced professor and staffed by well qualified teaching and technical support staff.
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Mechatronics Engineering
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Ø Electronics & Communication Engg.
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
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Electronics & Instrumentation Engg.
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Ø Computer Science & Engineering
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Ø Mathematics & Computer Applications
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Ø Fashion Technology
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Management Studies (KCT Business School)
“The dream is not what you see in sleep, dream is the thing which does not let you sleep”
This department mainly works to bring out the hidden talents among the students and to ignite the young minds.
The Department of Aeronautical Engineering has been started in the year 2006. Following the recent trend of opening up the sky to the private operators, it is estimated that by the year 2010 there will be 50 airline operators and 1000 fleets of aircrafts to cater to the needs of 100 million air passengers in India alone.
Accordingly tremendous job opportunities has opened up in the category of Engineering pilot, Maintenance Engineers, Ground Staff, ATC staffs, Air craft designers, Airport Managers, Researchers at Aerospace Establishments etc..
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The Department offers following full-time programme under autonomous status as per the requirements of Anna University, Coimbatore:
B.E.AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING:4 Years (8 Semesters) | |
Out of the 14 laboratories of the course work adequate facilities are being added with state of art equipments, machineries and accessories.
KCT has obtained Institutional Membership with Aeronautical Society of India.
The Aeronautical Engineering association conducts class-wide, institute-wide and inter-institute presentations, quiz and other technical competions.
Mechatronics Engineering “The greater the incentive, The stronger the motivation, The better the performance, The sweeter the victory” This Department works with this aim | ||
Head: | Dr. Thiagarajan, M. | | |
Courses Offered: | B.E. | Mechatronics Engineering | |
The Department of Mechatronics Engineering was established in the year 1999. Mechatronics is the synergistic interaction of precision Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronics and Computer control in the design of industrial products and manufacturing processes. A Mechatronics Engineer is one who is able to work across the boundaries of constituent disciplines to identify and use the right combination of technologies that will provide the optimum solution to the problem at hand. The growing demand for intelligent and smart systems require Engineers having skill in interdisciplinary Engineering fields like Mechatronics.
B.E. Mechatronics Programme is offered with the objective of providing knowledge and hands-on training in using microprocesors, sensors and actuators for design, development and maintenance of Intelligent Mechatronics systems. Visits of Production industries and process industries besides undergoing a 4 week summer training programme form part of the academic requirement. A study of Mechatronics Engineering imbibes the student with inter-dicisiplinary knowledge in modern methods of design, control and automation. After successful completion of study, these engineers can take up higher studies in specialized areas such as Machine Design, Automation.
Curriculum | : |
The Department offers following full-time programme under autonomous status as per the requirements of Anna University, Coimbatore:
| 4 Years (8 Semesters) |
Facilities | : |
Fluid Power Laboratory
The Fluid Power Lab is equipped with the following equipments. Pneumatic Trainer Kits, Hydraulic Trainer Kit, L.S.M. Controllers Mechatronics Package, EL Module
Software: Fluidsim � P(Pneumatics) Software Package (Festo) Fluidsim - H (Hydraulics) Software Package (Festo) Hydrosim and Pneumosim Simulation Software Packages each 20 user license, Festo make.
Instrumentation Lab
The Instrumentation Lab is equipped with the following Instruments. Pressure, vacuum, temperature, Speed, Torque, Load/Force, Sound measuring devices, LVDT, Strain measuring devices, �DESIN� make 8 channel Data Acquisition System and Virtual Instrumentation System ftom National Instruments.
Software: Labview and other software for data recording and analysis to get out put in required form with sensors to measure variables like speed, displacement, force, torque, strain, vacuum, pressure and temperature.
Robotics Lab
The Robotics Lab is equipped with the following equipments. MENTOR ROBOT (5 axis Pick and Place Robot)
Software: Virtual Reality (VR) Robot Animation Software, Walli Programming Software.
PLC and Simulation Lab
The PLC & Simulation Lab is equipped with the following equipments. L.S.M. Controllers Mechatronics Package, EL Module, Real Time Application Trainer kits, Linear Hydraulic Kit, ABB PLCs (8 I/P, 6 O/P, 40 configuration I/O, 1 analog module), Computer � 16 Nos
Mechatronics Engineering Association conducts a host of co-curricluar activities including special lectures by experts, quiz programmes, debates, group discussions, technical seminars, etc. Also the association organizes and hosts an all India Mechatronics students mega-event every year under the name �MATRIX�
B.E FASHION TECHNOLOGY:The Department of Fashion Technology offers a 4-year (8 Semesters) B.Tech. Programme in Fashion Technology. This programme is conducted as per the Curriculum & syllabus of the Anna University, Chennai. Students are admitted as per the Rules & Regulations of the Govt. of Tamilnadu and All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).
B.Tech. Fashion Technology course is designed to cater for the Apparel industry�s need with more scientific and professional approach required in the post WTO era. The course prepares the students to occupy positions of upper echelons in the industry. The course imparts knowledge in engineering subjects like Engineering Graphics, Engineering Mechanics, Material Science besides in depth and extensive knowledge in all the segments of apparel industry � Designing and Manufacturing children�s wear, men�s wear and women�s wear and also industrial wear with emphasis on Computer Aided Designing and Manufacturing Technologies. The course also prepares students in aspects like Merchandising, Marketing, Industrial Management, Work Study and Operations research.
In addition to Modern Textile Laboratories in Yarn Manufacturing, Fabric production, Textile Chemical processing, Textile and Apparel Testing, the following specialized laboratories are available exclusively for the course.
- Fashion Illustration Laboratory � Basic Sketching, Model Drawing, Colour Theory
- Anthropomentry Laboratory - Body Measurements, Pattern Making & Grading
- Basic & Advanced Garment Construction Lab � Children�s, Men�s & Women�s Construction
- Garment Construction Laboratory (Common to Textile and Fashion Technology Departments)
This laboratory is equipped with latest range of Sewing machines and other special purpose machines. - Fabric Structure Analysis & Design Laboratory � Woven & Knitted Fabric Structure Design and Fabric parameters. This laboratory is equipped with latest range of Sewing machines as detailed below: 3, 4 & 6 Thread over lock machines 3 thread over lock with back latching machine 4,5 flat lock machine 5 thread cylinder bed flat lock machine Single needle lock stitch machines (Power Operated) 2-needle lock stitch machine Taking Piccoting machines Computerized embroidering machines
- CAD Laboratory � Apparel & Accessories Design, Pattern Making, Grading & Marker Plan, Fashion Illustration, Visual Merchandising
Hardware: Pentium-IV computers � 30 Nos.
A0 Plotter � Large Format Digitiser � Scanner - High Resolution Colour Jet Printer
Software: PC Tex � 15 Lic. Textronics � 2 Lic. - Resource Centre - The resource Centre is being set up with well-documented Design collection of the students. Various types of Trims and Accessories used on the garments, Latest news in the Fashion and Apparel Industry. Resource Centre will also display the Fabrics, Textures, Pantone Colours and Fashion Forecast for various seasons in the world Apparel Market. It serves as a reference point for students of Fashion Technology.
- Fashion Studio - The fashion studio is being setup with modern digital photo and video equipments with necessary lighting equipments for Apparel product presentation, Modeling, Visual Merchandising.
- Departmental Library - The Department library is equipped with 150 reference books and journals for exclusive use of the faculty members and students.
KCT alumni, our goodwill ambassadors, have done us proud by proving their worth wherever they have happened to be. An active KCT Alumni Association provides various services to KCT community and the surrounding societal communities.
The Secretary
Alumni Association
Kumaraguru College of Technology
Coimbatore 641 006, India
Phone: +91-422-2669401 to 404 Extn: 2154
E-mail: alumnikct@yahoo.com, alumni@kct.ac.in
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