Saturday, May 8, 2010


Establishment of college:
PSG COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING College established in 1951, is one of the many educational institutions started by PSG & Sons Charities Trust.

This college is Government Aided, Autonomous, ISO 9001 certified and affiliated to Anna University.

This college is equipped with latest facilities and excellent infrastructures, the college offers a total of 48 full time and part time programs in Science, Engineering and Management at UG & PG levels.

The institution has a strong alumni base, most of them are now holding a big positions throughout the world.

PSG College of Technology, an ISO 9001:2000 certified institution is one of the foremost institutions founded by the PSG & Sons Charities Trust (1926). The College was established in the year 1951 and the Founders wisely decided to locate it in the same campus as the PSG Industrial Institute for effective industry-institute interaction.


P S GOVINDASAMY NAIDU(PSG), a man of honour who took eforts to start this college with some other peoples and they are listed below



The PSG College of Technology is situated at about 8 km from Coimbatore Railway Station and 5 km from Airport. The campus is spread over 45 acres of land, economically utilized for the College, Hostels, Staff Quarters, Play Fields and Gardens.

PSG College of Technology, under the guidance of illustrious Managing Trustees Sri G R Govindarajulu, Dr G R Damodaran, Sri G Varadaraj, Sri G R Karthikeyan, Sri V. Rajan and presently under Sri G Rangaswamy, all with foresight and far reaching vision, has been in the forefront of innovation in technical education. The founder Principal Dr G R Damodaran was instrumental in the planned growth of the institution from the humble beginnings in 1951 to the present status of a world-renowned technological institution. Dr G R Damodaran was succeeded by Dr R Subbayyan, Dr K Venkataraman, Dr A Shanmugasundaram, Dr S Subramanyan, Dr P Radhakrishnan and Dr S Vijayarangan as Principal's. Presently Dr R Rudramoorthy is Principal.

The College today has a student strength of about 5200 with 11 engineering and technology departments besides the computer applications, management sciences, basic sciences and humanities departments. Among the various Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate programmes offered by the college, as many as 18 programmes were accredited in the year 1997 itself by the National Board of Accreditation of AICTE.

The departments are greatly benefited by the expertise of more than 15 visiting faculty from renowned institutions and industries. Each department conducts annually at least one National / International Conference / Seminar / Workshop for effective dissemination of state-of-art technologies and research findings for the benefit of teaching faculty and industries.

On an average every year, five short term programmes on current topics of interest are conducted for the teaching faculty from other colleges with funding from AICTE / ISTE and other agencies.

ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTSThis college has many departments and their list has been shown below:

Automobile Engineering

Bio Technology

Biomedical Engineering


Civil Engineering

Computer Science and Engineering

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Electronics & Communication Engineering

Energy Engineering



Information Technology

Management Sciences

Mathematics and Computer Applications

Mechanical Engineering

Metallurgical Engineering

Production Engineering

Textile Technology

Fashion Technology

Instrumentation and Control Engineering.

This college is famous in the city of coimbatore and also throughout tamil nadu.And is has many departments has show above now we are going to see the topo departments of this college and rest you can visit the college website

Metallurgical Engineering

The rarest course in engineering provided by this college. This course has got much importance in day coming world. If you want to know the further information of this just click this(metallurgical course).


BSc (3 Years) & MSc (2 Years) PROGRAMMES 2010 & 2011


Application for MSc ( 2 Years) programmes

LAST DATE: 30th June 2010
Information for MSc ( 2 Years) programmes (Applied Maths, Material Science, Computer Technology and Applied Chemistry)

NOTE: Separate Application for each Programme and each application must be accompanied by a DD for Rs. 500/-

AMOUNT FOR WHICH DD Should be Drawn: Rs. 500/-.


It provides excellent hostel facilites for the students of all the courses and it also has a strict rules to be followed which goes like this:


1.1 The Hostel is managed by the Hostel Residents Council consisting of Patron, Chief Warden, Wardens, Manager, Deputy Wardens, Resident Tutors and Student Representatives.
1.2 A Student admitted to the institution is not automatically eligible to become a member of the Hostel.

1.3 Application for admission to the Hostel must be made in the prescribed form. Admissions are made subject to the approval of the Warden.

1.4 Before admission, each student has to pay Admission fee, Caution Deposit, Establishment Charges, which may be revised from time to time. In addition to this, the residents shall share the expenses incurred towards their boarding, the salary paid to the hostel staff and also the electricity and water charges.

1.5 Every student, before being admitted to the Hostel, shall give an undertaking in writing, endorsed by the parents that he / she will abide by the Rules and Regulations of the Hostel.

1.6 Students admitted to the hostel shall be full boarders of the hostel.

1.7 While every effort will be made to accommodate all the aspirants in the Hostel, the following categories of students will not be provided accommodation.

I. Those who have not cleared the Mess dues of the previous academic year.

II. Those who have not paid Caution Deposit and Establishment charges in full.

III. Those who are possessing powered vehicles.


2.1 Discipline in the hostel will be under the control of the Warden, Deputy Wardens and Resident Tutors.

2.2 Ragging in all its forms is banned as it is treated as a cognizable offence. Any resident found guilty of ragging will be dismissed from college.

2.3 Smoking is strictly prohibited.

2.4 Students are strictly warned on the serious and cognizable offence of being in possession of liquor or drinks or being found under their influence.

2.5 Members are not permitted to convene meetings of any nature in the hostel without the Warden’s written permission.

2.6 Shouting loudly, whistling, playing in verandahs, playing music systems loudly, affixing posters, photographs, wall paper, indecent posters etc., on walls and glass panels, use of objectionable language are strictly prohibited.

2.7 Members are not allowed to put up notice without the Warden’s written permission.

2.8 Members shall not interfere with the work of the hostel staff and cases of misconduct, if any, should only be brought to the notice of the warden for appropriate action.

2.9 Residents shall not stay outside after the hostel timing except in emergency (informed to the hostel authority). Residents shall not remain in the Hostel during class hours and at other times when their presence is expected in the Institution except with the permission of the Warden.

2.10 Audio system, computer and other electrical appliances shall be used only with the prior permission of the Warden. Terms and conditions for the use of such appliances will be stipulated from time to time. Audio systems shall not be played beyond 9.30 pm.

2.11 Student whose name removed from the Institution Rolls shall by that very fact forfeit the hostel membership and must vacate the room

2.12 Students who have vacated/expelled from the hostel due to disciplinary action, should obtain permission from warden for accommodation once again

2.13 Residents should sign daily in the hostel attendance register.

2.14 All senior men inmates shall return to the Hostel premises before 9.30 pm and all ladyinmates shall return to their hostel premises before 6.30 pm. First year men inmates shallreturn to their block before 6.30 pm.

2.15 If a resident is not available in a room continuously for 48 hours without any information to the roommates, it is the responsibility of the roommate to inform the same to Warden / Dy. Warden / Resident Tutors for further action.

2.16 Birth day celebration in any form is banned inside the hostel. Residents should not bring cakes inside the hostel.

2.17 Any matter not covered by the above rules shall be decided by the Warden.

2.18 The Warden is vested with fill powers to expel a student from the hostel if his / her presence is considered detrimental to the discipline of the hostel.


3.1 Mess charges will be based on dividing system.

3.2 Residents or their guests shall not enter the kitchen without permission

3.3 Residents shall have their food only in the respective messes allotted to them and they must adhere to the prescribed timings of the mess. Fine will be levied against those who waste food.

3.4 Whenever a resident is away from the hostel on valid reason for a period exceeding seven days, reduction in mess charges will be given only for the number of days in excess of two days (n-2), provided an application for reduction is made in-the prescribed form well in advance.

3.5 The residents shall pay all the dues in time failing which they have to vacate the hostel. However, they may be permitted to pay the dues with fine for late payment as may be prescribed.

3.6 Mess bill will be calculated from the 1 st to last date of every month. No separate mess bill will be sent to parents. Actual mess bill will be displayed in the hostel notice boards and also in the college web site every month.

The mess bill amount as indicated below for the current month shall be paid on any day during the current month itself. If not, a fine of Rs. 10 / day whould have to be paid during the next 10 days. If the mess bill remains unpaid, the student shall have to vacate the hostel.

Gents hostel : Rs. 1,400 / month

Ladies hostel : Rs. 1,200 / month

Additional hostel : Rs. 1,700 / month

Those who desire shall pay the mess bill amount in advance for 11 months or 6 months.

A review of payment made would be done once in 6 months. Shortage of payment if any could be remitted during the subsequent month. In case of excess payment, it would be adjusted in the subsequent month bills. For final year students, excess amount if any, will be refunded as DD. If any shortage in payment is there, the same shall be paid before leaving the hostel.

3.7 Mess Bill has to be paid through Chalan of Central bank of India, Peelamedu (Chalan is available at hostel office), or through Demand Draft, which should be drawn only in favour of PSG Tech Hostel. In no case, payment by cash or cheque will be accepted.

3.8 An imprest amout of Rs. 5000 /- may be paid each semester towards mess bills, if desired. (In case of first years imprest amount may be paid after obtaining permanent roll number from College)


4.1 All the Residents should return to the hostel on the date of reopening of the college.

4.2 No person other than those admitted as residents of the hostel may stay in the hostel premises. A Student shall not occupy a room without allotment. Resident shall neither transfer nor exchange their rooms with other resident.

4.3 Resident shall not sleep in others rooms.

4.4 Anyone falling sick is advised to make use of PSG Hospital facilities and also inform the same to Deputy Warden / Resident Tutors. Residents shall use the credit facility at PSG Hospital by obtaining the credit form from Warden/Deputy Warden/Resident Tutors before going to the hospital. Residents resorting to treatment elsewhere without the knowledge of the Warden/Deputy Warden/Resident Tutors, do so at their own risk.

4.5 The hostel authorities cannot be held responsible for any loss or theft of the belongings of the residents. The residents must make their own arrangements for safe custody of the same.

4.6 Day Scholars are not permitted inside the Hostel. Action will be taken against the residents who encourage and permit the day scholar to stay in their room. However day scholars are permitted for valid reasons by producing their college Identity card to the security guard during day time and with written permission obtained from Warden / Dy. Warden / Resident Tutor, for night stay

4.7 Every student admitted to the hostel will be issued a Hostel Identity Card. Students are advised to keep the Identity Card safe in their possession.

4.8 The hostel ID must be shown for verification whenever security guard / other officials of the hostel ask the same.

4.9 In case of loss of Hostel ID card, duplicate ID card will be given by paying Rs. 100 /-

4.10 he ID card should be submitted at the time of vacating the hostel failing which Rs. 200 /- will be deducted from caution deposit.

4.11 Resident are expected to be dressed decently

4.12 After final examination/viva voce, residents should leave the hostel immediately. Residents who leave for winter/summer vacation should apply mess reduction failing which mess reduction will not be considered

4.13 Residents are not allowed to do any kind of business inside the hostel.

4.14 Residents should register their computers/other electrical appliances when they bring inside the hostel every year.

4.14 Computers should be used only for academic purpose. If found they are being used for other than academic purpose, their registration will be cancelled.

4.15 Cases of contagious disease shall immediately be reported to Warden / Dy. Warden / Resident Tutors / hostel information service to take preventive measures


5.1 The period 9.30 p.m to 6.00 a.m is declared as STUDY / SILENCE PERIOD in the hostel.

5.11 During this period residents are directed not to use music systems. Do not make unnecessary noises which may disturb others who will be studying / doing their class works.

5.12 TV rooms will be closed between 11.00 pm to 6.00 am. It can be used only during 6.00 am to 11.00 pm. TV volume should be kept low so that it will not disturb the residents.

5.13 After 10.00 pm residents are not permitted to go to other rooms.

5.14 Inmates are not permitted to enter into the hostel after 9.30 pm. However, those who have worked in the laboratory during this period will be permitted after 9.30 pm by submitting the Lab Permission Slip.


In case of emergency, residents are informed to contact Warden / Dy. Warden / Resident Tutors / hostel information service, for immediate help.


5.11 Residents are permitted to go home / local guardian’s place only on 3rd week end of every month. In case of important work, Residents shall be permitted to go home/local guardians place after a permission letter received from resident’s parents through post / courier. The permission letter should be addressed to warden and received three days advance to the departure of the residents

5.12 Residents who leave the hostel to go home or official visit to other places, should make entry in the OUT REGISTER available at Hostel Gate. Also while coming into the hostel, they have to make entry in IN REGISTER.


Senior men residents who want to go to college beyond 9.30 p.m for working in CC / CAD / CAM / Dept. LAB, should obtain OUT PASS from Dy. Warden / Resident Tutors on the date of visit after 8.30 p.m.


7.11 The furniture assigned to a room shall not be shifted from it. Residents shall be responsible for the articles issued to them and shall return them in proper condition to the hostel authorities when leaving / vacating the hostel. Residents shall be responsible for due compensation in case of any loss or damage to those articles.

7.12 Residents should keep their room tidy and clean. They shall not disposed off litter in the verandahs or other parts of hostel premises.

7.13 Civil complaints and electrical complaints of the rooms and blocks shall be entered separately in the register kept at messes for correction.

7.14 Residents should put off the electrical appliances while leaving the room.

7.15 Residents shall lock their rooms at all times for the protection of their property and that of their room mates, while no one is in the room

Violation of the rules and regulations of the hostel will lead to expulsion from the hostel.


It has excellent facility for sports for the beneficial for te sportsperson to show their talents the following are the varoius playing ground provided by the PSG engineering college:


The placement activity of this college is very good and it provides excellent coaching for placement. Many multinational companies are coming for the placement so most of the student get placed in this engineering college. to see the statistics of placement of this college just click this(placement statistics).

The company coming for placement are listed below:
Name of the Company
24/7 Customer, Bangalore
ABB Ltd., Bangalore
Accenture, Bangalore
AIG System Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Akzo Nobel Coatings India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Amazon Software Development (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
ANZ IT, Bangalore
Aparna Labels Pvt. Ltd., Tirupur
Areva T & D India Ltd., Noida
Aricent, Bangalore
ArisGlobal Software Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Ashok Leyland Limited, Chennai
Asian Motor Works Pvt. Ltd., Gujarat
AthenaNet India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Atheros India LLC, Chennai
Beroe Inc, Chennai
BGR Energy Systems Ltd., Chennai
Bharat Earth Movers Ltd., Bangalore
Bharat Electronics Ltd., Bangalore (Central Research Laboratory)
Bin Dasmal Group of Companies, Dubai, UAE
Birlasoft Limited, Chennai
Carevoyant Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Caterpillar India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Chronus Corporation, Chennai
Cisco Systems (India) Private Limited, Bangalore
Cognizant Technology Solutions, Chennai
CommVault Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
Computer Associates, Hyderabad
Computer Sciences Corporation (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Consolidated Construction Consortium Ltd., Chennai
Convergys (IMG), Hyderabad
Cordys Software India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
Crescent Foundry Co. Ltd., Kolkata
D.E.Shaw India Software Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
Dalmia Cements (Bharat) Ltd., Trichy
Dell International Services India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Deloitte Consulting (I) Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
Delphi Technical Center India, Bangalore
Dieffenbacher India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
DLF Limited, Gurgaon
eBay IDC, Chennai
Efficient Frontier India, Chennai
Elgi Equipments Limited, Coimbatore
EMC Data Storage Systems (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Ennore Foundries, Chennai
Epigon Media Technologies, Bangalore
Essar Group, Hazira
Exeter Group, Bangalore
Fichtner Consulting Engineers India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Flextronics Software Systems, Bangalore
Ford India Ltd., Chennai
GE India Technology Centre Ltd., Bangalore (JFWTC)
Godrej & Boyce Manufacture Company Ltd., Mumbai
Goldman Sachs Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Google India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Greaves Cotton Limited, Pune
Groz-Beckert, Tirupur
HCL Infosystems Ltd., Noida
HCL Technologies Ltd., Chennai
Hewlett Packard India Ltd., Bangalore
Hindustan Construction Company Ltd., Pune
Honeywell Technology Solutions Ltd., Madurai
Hyundai Motor India Ltd., Chennai
i2 Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
IBM India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
IDEA Ltd., Chennai
iflex Solutions, Bangalore
iNautix Technologies (I) Pvt. Ltd, Chennai
India Pistons Ltd., Chennai
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., New Delhi
INDO US -MIM Tec Pvt.Ltd., Bangalore
Infosys Technologies Ltd., Bangalore
Intel Technology (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Intelizign Engineering Services Ltd., Bangalore
Interchain Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
ITC Infotech India Ltd., Bangalore
ITC Limited, Kolkata
IVY Comptech Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad
Jain Housing & Constructions Ltd., Chennai
Jataayu Software, Bangalore
John Deere Equipment Pvt. Ltd., Pune
JSW Steel Limited, Bellary
Juniper Networks India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Juno Online, Hyderabad
K G Denim Limited, Coimbatore
Keane International India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Kennametal India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore
KOB Medical Textiles Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore
L&T Valdel Engineering Ltd., Bangalore
Lakshmi Machine Works Ltd., Coimbatore
Larsen & Toubro Limited, (ECC Division) Chennai
Larsen & Toubro Limited, Mumbai
Larsen & Toubro Ramboll Ltd., Chennai
Lister Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Mahindra & Mahindra Automotives Ltd., Mumbai
Mangalore Refinery & Petrochemicals Ltd., Mangalore
Manhattan Associates, Bangalore
Marg Constructions Limited, Chennai
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., Gurgaon
Microsoft India, Bangalore
MindTree Consulting Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Minvesta Infotech Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Motorola India Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Mu Sigma Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Murugappa Group, Chennai
National Instruments Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
NetApp Systems India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Nokia Siemens Networks India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Nortel Technology Excellence Centre Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Novell Software Development (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
OATSystems Software (I) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Oracle India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Patni Computer Systems (P) Ltd., Mumbai
Philips Software Centre Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Polaris Software Lab Ltd., Chennai
Pricol Technologies Ltd., Coimbatore
Raymonds Limited, Yavatmal
Reckitt Benckiser (India) Ltd., Gurgaon
Renault Nissan Technology and Business Centre India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Sapient Corporation, Gurgaon
Savvion India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Schlumberger RDM, Pune
Schneider Electric India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Scooters India Ltd., Chennai
Scope International Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Shahi Exports Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Shri Ram Fibres, Chennai
Silver Software Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Simulation Technology Services Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Soliton Technologies, Bangalore
Sundaram Fasteners Limited, Chennai
SunGard, Bangalore
Super Spinning Mills Ltd., Coimbatore
Synopsys India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Syntel (I) Ltd., Chennai
Tata Chemicals Limited, Mumbai
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd., Chennai
Tata Elxsi, Bangalore
TCE Consulting Engineers Ltd., Bangalore
Tecpro Systems Ltd., Chennai
TESCO Hindustan Service Centre Ltd., Bangalore
TEXMO Industries Ltd., Coimbatore
Think 3 Designs India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Thorogood Associates, Bangalore
ThoughtWorks Technologies India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Toshiba Embedded Software India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Tractors and Farm Equipments Ltd., Chennai
Triad Software Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Triveni Engineering & Industries Ltd., Mysore
TVS Motor Company Ltd., Hosur
U.S Technologies, Trivandrum
Ucal Fuel Systems Ltd, Chennai
VALEO Engineering Center (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Vedanta Resources, Tuticorin
Verizon Data Services India Pvt. Ltd., Chennai
Verse Solutions, Bangalore
Voltas Limited, Coimbatore
Volvo India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Wipro Technologies, Bangalore
Yahoo! Software Development India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.


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